I must start this post by telling everyone what a bad person I am. I forgot my best friend, Ali's, Birthday.... Yes I know, How can someone forget there best friends birthday!? Well if you've met me, then you know how. I'm a flake. Ali has to remind me when her birthday is, along with everyone elses birthday, aniversary, holidays, etc. etc... I'm sorry I'm so dependent on you Al! So, I took a trip down to Cedar City last weekend to play with her! We spent a lot of time talking, (us? talk? never!) and interrupting Trav's football time, but it was perfect! Mickey Fillerup even came and played!!! Yay Mickey! Casey couldn't come because he worked Monday (and I didn't) and he had plans already. Again, I was bad with pictures but here's what I got. Love you best friend! Thanks for being fantastic!
Me and the birthday girl looking good in our pj's
These are the three people who made my weekend fantastic! Thanks!
Bahahaha I like this picture! Trav, you still owe me cookies.

I love my best friend.
Dang it I knew you would be me to posting. I may just refer people to your blog hahaha. Funny. I love it we look so good :) But now that you've come and seen me I'm expecting it to happen again haha
It warms my little heart to see you two together! There is a few things missing...DDR to mention one. ha ha
Love you two.
Get this. I know these two people that completely forgot some of their best friends wedding! Can you believe that!!
cute! How fun! I love being able to catch up with old friends.
Ah, where there is Leslie and Alison, all is right in the world ;) I second, that the only thing that could make this picture better is Dance Dance Revolution...and well...Me, of course ;)
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