So yes I do realize how lame I am and that I don't blog. Because I know that the only person who looks at it is me and Ali! the only reason I have a blog is to comment on other peoples blogs. it also kills some time at work.... what? I mean I'm totally working hard all 8 hours I'm here! gosh. And Ali you say you don't blog because nothing exciting happens in your life? well all my stories should definitely not be blogged. either they are so boring and mundane or would embarrass somebody (most likely me) or would be inappropriate to share with the world.... Oh and I have no pictures! since we don't have a computer I use what I find on the Internet or something that's on our myspace page. But one month I'm going to post a blog every day! about what I'm thinking about that day or something I'm excited for. like a journal. and people will get so into my pointless thinking that I'll become famous!!! Or, Ali will be the only one who reads it and she will still love me because she already knows I'm crazy. I think today I'll tell one of my random stories. Yesterday, I said hi to some one who I went to high school with. (we never spoke in high school but he knew my husband pretty well. ) Well he went on to tell me details about his life... wow did he tell me details. My abnormal psych teacher would call it "round face syndrom" meaning strangers naturally open up to you. I hope this means I'll be a good therapist one day but wow this kid would have been easy to open up! in the 5 minutes we talked I knew about his being fired, his anti-depressents, his reason for divorce, anger with parents, suicide attempt, and he is now bi sexual. his openness left me speechless! part of me wants to applaud him for his willingness to be open and part of me wants to slowly sneak away wondering why he was telling me all that. But, when it all boils down to it, his abnormal behavior just made me want to talk to him again. I want to know what's going on in his life in his mind and more than anything I want him to feel accepted. Any way! there's my rant! thanks for reading it Al! ;)