
the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma
Ok. So maybe I'm not a total addict... but kinda. I have some addictions that at some point or another have caused Casey to get SEVERELY annoyed with me. the biggest one of course was reading. Right after I got my NOOK I ignored Casey for WEEKS. Since he bought it for me he was really good about it for a while. Then he got sick of it. Then I learned to turn on ESPN for him so that I could read. but here are some addictions I've become aware of that have had a definite affect (effect?) on my life:
- READING...(duh)-but it should please you to know that I'm down to only 2-4 books a week since having Heston and getting a new job.
- ACTION MOVIES- Seriously. CAN NOT get enough. Casey got the biggest kiss ever when he agreed to have a Die Hard Marathon with me (and I smiled through the whole new one). Casey HATES that I have the A-team memorized and watch Terminator every time it's on. He tries to fight my Fast and the Furious obsession. He refuses to see the new GI Joe (I know the first on sucked but,Channing, Bruce, and Dwayne... so. much. drool.)
- ORANGE JUICE- I know you don't think this can be an addiction. but it is. If I don't have it every morning I feel lost and confused.
- HESTON- man that kid's cute. He's recently started screaming "MAMA" if he's really sad or pissed off. I have to admit I kind of love it.
- CASEY- I sniff him. Creepy? maybe.
- CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES AND MOVIE THEATRE POPCORN- I blame my father. I crave them. I have to have them! HAVE TO!
- PUPPIES- every time I see one I feel the need to point it out (and by point it out I mean I'll bark at it). and I can spot a puppy from miles away.
- GIRLS NIGHTS- these definitely piss off Casey. But sometimes one a month just isn't enough! the chatting, the laughing, the inappropriate humor. It just doesn't get better!
Alright. I'll leave it at that because I've got to go. sorry this is lame but it's just been too long since I've posted. The 3 people who read this were probably worried I died.