Just Us

Just Us

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I have been very blog neglectful... But I've been afraid to write anything because I thought I'd spill the beans about being prego!

This is the ultrasound we got at week 8 so that they could look for twins. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. This blog post is more for me. PLEASE DO NOT FEEL OBLIGATED TO KEEP READING. Since I SUCK at journal writing I want the story of our baby documented somewhere. Alrighty... where to begin... I suppose if you want the true beginning of our story you should look at my posts from August and September of 2010. That's when I vented about PCOS. But for now we'll start with May of 2011, Casey and I (mostly me. Casey's wanted a baby girl since we got married over 4 years ago) finally decided to get serious and went to the dr. and said the words "we want to get pregnant". Yikes. Scary. So the Dr. put me on Chlomid (well the generic brand of chlomid...) because I wasn't ovulating on my own. after only one month on the Chlomid I got pregnant but didn't really know it. What I thought was just a light period was actually a miscarriage. If we hadn't been trying we never would have known. It still hurt. I thought for sure I was broken. After that I took a month off and then got back on the Chlomid.
 4 months later I thought my period was just late because boy howdy did I have some serious cramps! But nope. I was prego. no one told me about that. people said "oh mild cramping is normal" if these cramps were mild I have a skinny face! I didn't sleep for like 2 weeks because the cramping was worse at night! that was weeks 4-6. weeks 6-8 brought the sickness. while I felt miserable I loved this because symptoms made it real. I WANT symptoms because they ease my mind that things are fine. week 8 the doctor wanted an ultrasound since we were on Chlomid and 1 in 10 has twins on Chlomid. Not Twins. But we got to hear the heartbeat and I have never seen a better sight then the smile that lit up Casey's face when we heard that fast little heart beat and saw our peanut.
After this we decided it was okay to tell the world... kind of. We told pretty much everyone we saw... but I was still nervous. To nervous to take the giant leap and tell the facebook world. For new years we went to bear lake with the Pluims and on New Years Eve/day while I was sleeping I had the most horrific pain. I woke up and almost passed out in the bathroom. I couldn't move, could barely breath, and almost woke Casey to take me to the ER when the pain ebbed. This made me nervous all over again and I decided to wait til after the next appointment to tell "everyone".
2 weeks ago we went in and they used the Doppler (rolly microphone connected to a speaker) to find a heartbeat... they couldn't find one. The doctor said because we'd heard it before he wasn't worried, that made one of us, and said we'd come back in 2 weeks. I only stressed a little.... But then I hit a kick where I started throwing up. I'd feel fine and then vomit and feel all better. I think this was the lords way of easing my mind. Yesterday we went back and heard the heart beat again! So beautiful! I'm finally starting to believe that talking about it and being excited will not jinx it! I thought I better post this before that belief fades again.
Anyway... We're due July 27. I want a boy, Moon wants a girl. We made a deal that whoever's right gets final say on the name; but it has to be from the list! So far only 2 people have guessed boy :(   Jerks. But, I'll be happy with either. If it's a girl she's going to be spoiled ROTTEN by her daddy... a diva... awesome. ;) We go in for a gender check on January 23. I'll keep ya'll posted. Sorry for the snore post.