Down-FALLS (haha get it?)
- you can feel winter coming. winter is cold.
- It's hunting season. so Hubby Moon is missing on weekends. (I spent 3 1/2 days without him! that's a record since being married. yes I realize I am pathetic.)
- kinda related to the last one, I hate telling Casey to kill a deer fast, I feel morbid, but I want him to get one so that he stops leaving me! So instead I tell him to catch a deer. It makes me feel better to imagine him catching a deer with his bare hands.
Positives (sorry couldn't think of a whitty pun...)
- The colors of provo canyon
- playing in leaves. Which we need to do again Al, think your neighbors would mind?
- rain.
- playing in rain
- the smell of rain
- the mud that rain makes. I love mud.
- Halloween (any axcuse to buy candy)
- Knowing that Thanksgiving is getting close (any excuse to eat food! :))
- Getting to go to lots of Movies since the weather won't permit out door wanderings. (Casey doesn't like movies, I know, what a weirdo, but this time of year I can get him to take me! Or while he's hunting I go with friends. Woot movies and movie theatre popcorn!!!!)
- The perfect temperature to curl up with a blanket in my sweats.
So I know this is a strange/lame post but I had to dedicate something to my favorite season and it kind of lets everyone know what we're up to; Casey, hunting, Me, same old same old. :) I hope everyone's enjoying fall!