Just Us

Just Us

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I wish this blog was for something cool or exciting... well it's not. We just started our next semester of school. Oh school. Casey should graduate (aka get his commercial journey-mans license) in May of 2010. I should have my bachelors in Next December (cross your fingers). But right now it just seems so monotonous and pointless. I was really excited for some of my classes this semester, I'm taking an intro to group psychotherapy class (we do group therapy every Wednesday! sounds exciting to me!), a clinical interviewing class (which for me is the scariest part of therapy, where do I start? what do I ask? etc.), and American Sign Language which I absolutely love! I'm also taking a career prep class and my first day of that is tonight. I'm kind of disappointed my actual psychology/social work classes... One of my teachers is losing his hearing and so he doesn't understand when we talk, he also talks very quiet and the experiences he shares I can't quite make the connection to what he's trying to teach us. My other teacher I think is going to make us do a lot of busy work, to try to learn on our own what to ask a client. Hopefully group therapy and interviewing will be a lot better experience than what I'm expecting.
I guess the main thing is we're now back to being so busy that we have little time to play or talk to anyone and little time to be together. Did you know the average college graduate remembers 6% or less of what they learned in college? And it's SO BORING! I really was excited and positive about my classes, and I still have high hopes, but man my life is dull right now. I crave social interaction; I'm not getting too much of that. I get to talk to Michelle at work, Casey nights before bed and my family on Sundays, I'm trying to fit some other people in but it's just not happening. Oh well... one more year! And I just realized this blog sounds like I'm depressed or something; I'm not! haha! my life is the best life anyone could possibly ask for, I have so many great people around me! I'm just complaining because I don't get enough time with those great people! I didn't even call ali on her birthday! she got a lame text! So that's my new years resolution I suppose. To use my free time to stay close to the great people in my life who I love, and to find free time in which to do it in.
I apologize if you wasted time reading this. But it helped me work out some things; so I feel better now... The world revolves around me!


Missy said...

Oh honey! Been there and done that! It'll get over eventually! Then you have munchkins, husband travels ALL the time, and you clean up pee all day. It all balances out! :) Luv ya!

The Jarretts said...

I made it into your blog!! Woot! It's ok I loved my text. I know the social interaction you are craving is with me :) I miss you too best friend and we will get to play soon, and go crazy in May :) We will all have to go to Vegas, or at least do something!